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El Salvador Finca Majahual

El Salvador Finca Majahual

Regular price $22.00
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Variety: Red Bourbon

Process: Anaerobic natural

Roast: Omni     

Notes: Pineapple, Cinnamon, Raspberry Compote, Floral

Nestled within the Los Naranjos Valley, in western El Salvador, Finca Majahual sits amidst the majestic Apaneca-Lamatepec mountain range, offering elevations that span from 1500 to 1800 masl. Founded in 1936, the farm takes pride in producing coffee in a location known for its high altitudes, volcanic soils, shade-grown practices
and rich biodiversity.

The Los Naranjos Valley benefits from cooler temperatures that slow the ripening process of coffee cherries, resulting
in a nuanced flavour profile. The volcanic soil and well-defined wet and dry seasons contribute to healthy coffee plant
growth and reduced risk of fungal diseases.

Principal shade trees at the farm include Pepeto, Tempisque, Avocado and Cypress trees. In terms of coffee varieties,
Red Bourbon constitutes 80% of the production, while they also cultivate Orange and Yellow Bourbon in smaller quantities, with dedicated areas for Pacas, Pacamara, Geisha, SL-28, Ethiopian heirloom, Marcellesa and Costa Rica 95.

This coffee was grown and harvested at 1750 masl. via selective hand-picking and sorting for optimal ripeness. For anaerobic processing, only fully ripe, dark burgundy cherries are selected. Once hand-picked, the cherries are transported to the Beneficio San Pedro mill where they undergo a 72-120 hour anaerobic fermentation process in sealed plastic barrels, allowing careful monitoring of pH and acidity levels. Once done, the cherries are drained and transported to a designated semi-shaded section of the mill, where they are naturally dried on raised beds for about 20 to 25 days.

At the mill, all coffees are constantly monitored through bean size categorisation, moisture and density measurements, as well as regular cuppings with SCA-certified professionals. Finally, the coffees are placed in sealed GrainPro or similar bags, which are then placed in jute bags for export.

*all coffee is delivered as whole bean unless specified otherwise*

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